[horde] Installation problem
o1bigtenor at gmail.com
Mon Jan 20 20:03:30 UTC 2020
On Fri, Jan 17, 2020 at 7:25 AM Luis Felipe Marzagao
<lfbm.andamentos at gmail.com> wrote:
> Em 17/01/2020 10:19, o1bigtenor escreveu:
> > On Fri, Jan 17, 2020 at 2:28 AM Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org> wrote:
> >>
> >> Zitat von o1bigtenor <o1bigtenor at gmail.com>:
> >>
> >>> On Thu, Jan 16, 2020 at 9:32 AM Luis Felipe Marzagao
> >>> <lfbm.andamentos at gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> Em 16/01/2020 12:09, o1bigtenor escreveu:
> >>>>> On Thu, Jan 16, 2020 at 8:52 AM Luis Felipe Marzagao
> >>>>> <lfbm.andamentos at gmail.com> wrote:
> >>>>>> Em 15/01/2020 20:40, o1bigtenor escreveu:
> >>>>> snip
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Working on installing horde groupwebmail on a debian
> >>>> buster (10) where
> >>>>>>>>>>>> apache 2.4.38, postgresql 11.5 and php 7.3.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Chose to install using # apt install and the
> >>>> installation completed easily.
> >>>>>>>>>>>> It was in working through the configuration that a
> >>>> roadblock occurred.
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Quoting the terminal output:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Creating and updating database tables...
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Fatal Error:
> >>>>>>>>>>>> SQLSTATE[42703]: Undefined column: 7 ERROR: column
> >>>> "increment_by"
> >>>>>>>>>>>> does not exist
> >>>>>>>>>>>> LINE 1: ...q', (SELECT COALESCE(MAX("sentmail_id") + (SELECT
> >>>>>>>>>>>> increment_...
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>> ^
> >>>>>>>>>>>> In /usr/share/php/Horde/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Base.php on line 233
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> How do I resolve this?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Apparently your database was not correctly created. Try running
> >>>>>>>>>>>> /usr/bin/horde-db-migrate from the command line.
> >>>>> snip
> >>>>>>>>>> If your db server is ok, then you had some problem when the
> >>>> database was
> >>>>>>>>>> created or you are missing horde dependencies, which could
> >>>> be caused byBest regardsBest regards
> > Bill
> >
> > Bill
> >>>>>>>>>> a broken distro package install, or, as Jan has already mentioned,
> >>>>>>>>>> "there are some patches for newer Postgresql versions on GitHub that
> >>>>>>>>>> haven't been incorporated yet. Feedback on those is welcome."
> >>>>>>>>> If you would be so kind as to point me to where I could find those
> >>>>>>>>> patches . . . .
> >>>>>>>> You could start here: https://github.com/horde/Db/commits/master
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> OK s o I can see the patch. When I'm reading the code (total noob to
> >>>>>>> coding here)
> >>>>>>> I can understand what the change is. What I have no clue how to
> >>>> do (looked into
> >>>>>>> both the use of the program 'patch' and a few write ups on doing a git
> >>>>>>> patch but
> >>>>>>> its not clear how I do this.
> >>>>>>> Did some looking and have found the file on my system. Also
> >>>> have the 'patch'
> >>>>>>> available. Have not ever done this - - - - so - - - do I add the new
> >>>>>>> lines into the
> >>>>>>> file and remove the unwanted lines then save the new version?
> >>>>>>> Would this 'apply' the patch?
> >>>>>> It may be tricky to apply patches because you are not using a
> >>>>>> development installation. But if you think you´ve found the correct
> >>>>>> patch, and if there aren´t a lot of files involved in the commit, go
> >>>>>> ahead and try to manually replace the entire file. Dirty hack but pretty
> >>>>>> fast in order to make a quick test.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>> Greetings
> >>>>>
> >>>>> So I applied the patch (meaning that I added in the new lines indicated in
> >>>>> green and removed the lines indicated in pink) and saved the file.
> >>>>> Tried one more time to effect and install.
> >>>>> Right back to where I started at :
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Fatal Error:
> >>>>> SQLSTATE[42703]: Undefined column: 7 ERROR: column "increment_by"
> >>>>> does not exist
> >>>>> LINE 1: ...q', (SELECT COALESCE(MAX("sentmail_id") + (SELECT
> >>>>> increment_...
> >>>>> ^
> >>>>> In /usr/share/php/Horde/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Base.php on line 233
> >>>>>
> >>>>> had been told earlier to try to use /usr/bin/horde-db-migrate
> >>>> which gives:
> >>>>> # /usr/bin/horde-db-migrate
> >>>>> [ INFO ] Migrating DB up.
> >>>>> [ INFO ] Current imp schema version: 1
> >>>>> Migrating to ImpAutoIncrementSentmail (2)
> >>>>> == 2 ImpAutoIncrementSentmail: migrating
> >>>> ======================================
> >>>>> -- changeColumn('imp_sentmail', 'sentmail_id', 'autoincrementKey')
> >>>>> SQLSTATE[42703]: Undefined column: 7 ERROR: column "increment_by"
> >>>>> does not exist
> >>>>> LINE 1: ...q', (SELECT COALESCE(MAX("sentmail_id") + (SELECT increment_...
> >>>>>
> >>>>> and about a hundred more lines like the above.
> >>>>> Searching on the horde website then led me to - - - - bug number :I removed all traces of both horde and mariadb checked using
# dpkg -l grep horde (and mariadb as 2 separate operations).
Then reinstalled first mariadb and then horde.
Was able to achieve:
Writing main configuration file... done.
Creating and updating database tables... done.
Configuring administrator settings
Specify an existing mail user who you want to give administrator
permissions (optional):
Writing main configuration file... done.
Thank you for using Horde Groupware Webmail Edition!
So success in the installation.
Except - - - - - - it would seem that my configuration either was inaccurate or
something else because when I point my browser at:
http://example.com/webmail/test.php (as suggested at:
the response is:
The requested URL was not found on this server.
Apache Server at example.com Port 80
I've checked:
1. mariadb database 'horde' conf files
MariaDB [(none)]> SHOW GRANTS FOR 'hordeadmin'@example.com
-> ;
| Grants for hordeadmin at example.com
| GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'hordeadmin'@'example.com' IDENTIFIED BY
PASSWORD '*D7563A599125DADF0E31D023ACAC15F5E8813826' |
| GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `horde`.* TO 'hordeadmin'@'example.com'
2. vi /etc/apache2/conf-available/horde.conf
Alias /horde /var/www/horde
ServerName webmail.example.com
DocumentRoot /var/www/horde
<Directory /var/www/horde>
DirectoryIndex index.php
Options +FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
php_value include_path ".:/usr/share/php"
php_value open_basedir "none"
php_value upload_tmp_dir "/var/www/horde/tmp/"
Is there something I didn't do or am missing?
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