[horde] Immediately logged out after login

Ferdinand Gruber fer.grub at yahoo.de
Sun Jan 26 21:23:07 UTC 2020

Am 25.01.20 um 16:10 schrieb Ferdinand Gruber:
> I have a local instance of horde for test purposes on my computer at home.
> When trying to login I suddenly get the message that the session has 
> timed out.
> I called /horde/test.php and I don't see anything suspicious.
> The authentication is done by /horde/imp on my production server. The 
> horde instance on the production server itself works properly.
I changed the authentication to 'htpasswd_file'.

Now I am able to login as administrator and also as common user.

On the dashboard I am able to choose some Horde applications, e.g. 
addressbook. But, when I click on "calendar" I see for a short moment 
the calendar view and after that I get suddenly logged out. Again the 
message appears, that the session has timed out.

I tried many cookie settings, nothing helped.

This are my actual cookie and session settings in conf.php

$conf['session']['name'] = 'Horde';
$conf['session']['use_only_cookies'] = true;
$conf['session']['timeout'] = 0;
$conf['session']['cache_limiter'] = 'nocache';
$conf['session']['max_time'] = 72000;

$conf['cookie']['domain'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];
$conf['cookie']['path'] = '/';

I also tried this:

$conf['cookie']['domain'] = '';
$conf['cookie']['path'] = '';

In the apache2 conf I set the server name to a fully qualified doman 
name, like "myserver.mydomain"

After each configuration change I deleted all cookies and browser cache 
in firefox.

Regards from Austria
Ferdinand Gruber

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