[horde] ingo maxblacklist & maxwhitelist not working

Jens Wahnes wahnes at uni-koeln.de
Fri Jun 19 08:17:14 UTC 2020

Nethub Online - Ming wrote:

> I have set ingo/config/conf.php as below, but seems not working, user can
> still store more than 5 blacklist email addresses, is this a bug?
> $conf['storage']['maxblacklist'] = 5;
> $conf['storage']['maxwhitelist'] = 5;

AFAIK the maximum sizes of Ingo's blacklists and whitelists are set 
through the permissions system, not through preferences. So to set them 
as admin, click the gearwheel icon, Administration, Permissions, Filters 
(ingo), Backends, name of backend, "Maximum number of blacklist 
addresses. (max_blacklist). The latter ones (starting with "Filters 
(ingo)" may have to be created with the respective "+" symbol first.


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