[horde] hoster changes from centOS 6 to centOS7

Frank Lienhard frank at mclien.de
Tue Nov 17 17:55:07 UTC 2020

> Just /var/www/html/horde or /srv/www/horde? This is not enough!
> You have to transfer also the directories
> - /usr/share/php/Horde
> - /usr/share/php
> - /var/cache/horde
> - /var/log/horde
> - /tmp/.horde
> - /tmp/pear.

First pear is present, but not in my search path
Simply put it in my .bashrc?

The .pearrc is missing on the new server (where all the dirs are defined)
Can I simply copy that?

And the php.ini file wasn't transfered
Do I copy that and adjust these line or du I just add the path line:
(php is in /usr/bin on the new server)

And there is no cgi or fcgi on the new server, but the manual says:
"We use the PHP FastCGI Process Manager (FPM) to connect the PHP
interpreter to the webserver."

Any adjustment to do here?

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