[horde] Can't send to BCC or CC without To: using activesync

Michael J Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Mon Jan 25 02:56:02 UTC 2021

Quoting Brent <impuser at bitrealm.com>:

> Quoting Michael J Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>:
>> Quoting Brent <impuser at bitrealm.com>:
>>> Trying to send an email with ONLY the BCC field filled out using  
>>> ActiveSync.  Device says "the message was rejected by the  
>>> server".  Same happens with CC-only filled out and omitting the  
>>> To: field.
>>> Checking the horde logs, I find:
>>> NOTICE: HORDE PHP ERROR: Undefined index: To [pid 1278 on line 305  
>>> of "/usr/share/pear/Horde/Core/ActiveSync/Mail.php"
>>> Line 305 is this:
>>>  $recipients = $h_array['To'];
>>> Function area:
>>>  protected function _sendRaw()
>>>     {
>>>         $h_array = $this->_headers->toArray(array('charset' => 'UTF-8'));
>>>         $recipients = $h_array['To'];
>>>         if (!empty($h_array['Cc'])) {
>>>             $recipients .= ',' . $h_array['Cc'];
>>>         }
>>>         if (!empty($h_array['Bcc'])) {
>>>             $recipients .= ',' . $h_array['Bcc'];
>>>             unset($h_array['Bcc']);
>>>         }
>>> Seems that $h_array['To'] is undefined and it bombs out?
>>> Not sure of the proper fix for this.  I can send email using  
>>> Horde/Imp with only the CC or BCC field filled out, this only  
>>> seems to be happening using an ActiveSync device.
>> Try what I just committed:
>> https://github.com/horde/Core/commit/97c1705fc59d23e086c70032b8f8c733955f69ff
>> I'll release it to Pear as soon as I have the time.
>>> brent
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>> mike
>> The Horde Project
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> Well, I applied the patch and I'm still getting the error on the  
> device that "The message was rejected by the server".   I am not  
> seeing the error in the horde logs any longer.  I don't see any  
> maillog or apache errors either.  I cleared my php session cache and  
> restarted.  I'm not sure how else I can help.  I'll keep looking.

Try checking your SMTP server's mail.log file for any errors. I just  
tested this locally with only a cc and then again with only a BCC and  
it successfully sent the email.

> Thanks for the fast response!
> brent

The Horde Project
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