[horde] Horde Framework 6.0 and/or Horde Framework 5.2 PHP 8.1 compatibility timeline?

Ralf Lang ralf.lang at ralf-lang.de
Wed Oct 5 10:02:20 UTC 2022

Hi Brent,

 >  I don't know how composer works. I don't know how to have composer 
go out and fetch any updates. I've installed horde and imp with the 
dev-FRAMEWORK_6_0 or "^7" tag in hopes of pulling in the right information.

Yes, any of this belongs into a proper documentation.
I will need to write that tonight. Just giving some inline answers right 

 > Here's the basic gist of what I do:
 >- git clone https://github.com/maintaina-com/horde-deployment.git 
horde dev-FRAMEWORK_6_0
 > cd horde
 > composer install dev-FRAMEWORK_6_0

It's just "composer install" without further arguments.

 > composer require horde/imp dev-FRAMEWORK_6_0

Yes, these are the right steps.

 > So...how do I download updates? (what replaces pear list-upgrades)?

Composer works a little different from pear.
A plain update is done via "composer update"
To ensure the database is also having the latest schema, run 

Probably best I manually run through the steps and document them as I go.

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