[horde] horde_histories not-null constraint

Hannes Tismer panni at fragstore.net
Fri Dec 16 15:26:09 UTC 2022

Hey Ralf,

Thank you!

I've also had to move to a bionic container instead of directly  
running on my 22.04 LTS host, due to my previous email to this list.

I'm guessing there's still compatibility issues with certain libs on  
22.04 that won't work with horde (OpenSSL 3?).

For now it runs well. The only issue that remains is the Kronolith one.

Best regards

On Fri, 16 Dec 2022 10:23:34 +0100, Ralf Lang <ralf.lang at ralf-lang.de> wrote:

> Hi Hannes, I will look into this. I will extend my container setup  
> to also support postgres.
> Regards
> Ralf
> Am 14.12.2022 um 10:58 schrieb Hannes Tismer:
>> Hey,
>> PHP 7.4.
>> Am 14. Dezember 2022 10:41:30 schrieb Ralf Lang <ralf.lang at ralf-lang.de>:
>>> Hi Hannes,
>>> Am 13.12.2022 um 23:47 schrieb Hannes Tismer:
>>>> Dear Horde list,
>>>> I've just noticed that my Horde Webmail instance hasn't added any
>>>> horde_histories entries since 2021. Looking at the logs any change I
>>>> make in Kronolith results in errors like these:
>>>> ERR: HORDE [kronolith] SQL QUERY FAILED: SQLSTATE[23502]: Not null
>>>> violation: 7 ERROR:  null value in column "history_modseq" violates
>>>> not-null constraint
>>>> DETAIL:  Failing row contains (19117,
>>>> kronolith:xxxxxxxxxxxxx at xxxxx..., modify, 1670970360, null, xxxxx,
>>>> a:2:{s:3:"new";a:2:{s:11:"event_start";s:19:"2022-12-15 23:00:00...,
>>>> null).
>>>>         INSERT INTO horde_histories (object_uid, history_ts, history_who,
>>>>           history_desc, history_action, history_modseq, history_extra)
>>>>           ('kronolith:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 1670970360, 'panni',
>>>> NULL, 'modify', NULL,
>>>> 'a:2:{s:3:"new";a:2:{s:11:"event_start";s:19:"2022-12-15
>>>>           23:00:00";s:9:"event_end";s:19:"2022-12-16
>>>> 00:00:00";}s:3:"old";a:2:{s:11:"event_start";N;s:9:"event_end";N;}}')
>>>> [pid 108 on line 243 of "/usr/share/php/Horde/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Base.php"]
>>>> 2022-12-13T23:26:00+01:00 ERR: HORDE [kronolith] SQLSTATE[23502]: Not
>>>> null violation: 7 ERROR:  null value in column "history_modseq"
>>>> violates not-null constraint
>>>> All migrations are applied as far as I can see and when manually
>>>> inserting an entry into horde_histories_modseq, an incremented
>>>> history_modseq is created, just as Horde/History/Sql.php:_nextModSeq()
>>>> tries to
>>>> (https://github.com/horde/History/blob/c112235f0327baf7202d56236c8f823fb40b6741/lib/Horde/History/Sql.php#L358). Somehow it tries to insert a NULL value for history_modseq for the  
>>>> new
>>>> horde_histories entry.
>>>> Horde Version: Webmail Edition 5.2.22
>>>> PostgreSQL: 12.13 (Ubuntu 12.13-1.pgdg22.04+1)
>>>> OS: Ubuntu Server 18.04.4 LTS (bionic)
>>> that would be PHP 7.2?
>>> -- 
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Hannes Tismer
Herzogstr. 4
41238 Mönchengladbach

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