[horde] Horde project status

Stephan Lauffer lauffer at ph-freiburg.de
Thu Apr 6 08:41:16 UTC 2023


Zitat von Samuel Wolf <horde-dev at wolf-rtm.de>:

>>> Hello. It seems everyone is in the same boat.
>>> I needed to upgrade our e-mail system this year, thus I hope for HORDE to
>>> have a stable release soon. Otherwise, my option seems to be limited to
>>> SOGo groupware as I require ActiveSync support.
>> I have not yet migrated, but it seems that Nextcloud (the groupware
>> apps) also have ActiveSync.
> No ActiveSync, but it also use Horde library.
> We using Horde since 15 years but can not wait longer, at the moment  
> there is no announcement/release plan. :-(
> Look like egroupware.org is an option, also based on the Horde library...

We have a support contract with b1 systems and are using a pre6 alpha  
version maintained by them. Ralf Lang was working for b1 in the past  
and he is still active here.

I hope b1 systems will be some more "verbose" on the mailinglists  
here. Maybe they can do some more, maybe they can fill the gap...

There is development, there are patches, new features... just missing  
a big movment in the direction of a new v6 release (and there are  
still not that much improvments on the mobile view).

Liebe Gruesse, with best regards
Stephan Lauffer

Pedagogical University Freiburg - Germany
Fon/ Fax: +49 761 682 -559/ -486
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