[horde] Auth error

Ferdinand Gruber fer.grub at yahoo.de
Thu Sep 28 16:09:25 UTC 2023


I get a lot of errors like this since yesterday.

[imp] [login] Authentication failed. [pid 13543 on line 730 of 
[imp] FAILED LOGIN for userName (xx.xx.xx.xx) to {imap://localhost/} 
[pid 13543 on line 153 of "/srv/www/htdocs/horde/vendor/horde/imp/

May be the reason is, that there exist newer versions of some Apps, e.g. 
I am not able to upgrade Horde_Auth and other newer versions of certain 

I installed Horde Groupware some months ago with composer. How can I get 
newer versions of Horde_Auth and other apps using composer?

The old method e.g. pear install horde/Horde_Auth does not work on my 
system. I get command not found. The command pear is not available 
inopenSuse Leap 15.5

What can I do? Please help.

Regards from Austria
Ferdinand Gruber

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