[horde] Is there a real sieve-editor for horde?

Nels Lindquist nlindq at maei.ca
Fri Jan 12 15:53:55 UTC 2024

On 2024-01-10 2:05 AM, Lang, Ralf wrote:

> Hello,
> Am 09/01/2024 um 22:19 schrieb Nels Lindquist:
>> Hi, Nils.
>> On 2024-01-03 1:33 PM, Nils wrote:
>>> Hi Philipp,
>>> thank you very much for that information. It seems that something 
>>> must be wrong with my configuration.
>>> At the page "Filter Rules" /ingo/basic.php?page=filters there is no 
>>> entry for "vacation". There's just whitelist and blacklist. Any 
>>> filters that already exist on the server are also missing there.
>>> At the page "Horde :: Filters Configuration" 
>>> /horde/admin/config/config.php?app=ingo there are only the headers 
>>> "Rules Storage", "Rules Options" and "Spam Filtering". The category 
>>> "Rules Options" just has one checkbox "* $conf[rules][userheader]".
>>> I don't seem to have any configuration option like sieve port or 
>>> authentication method.
>>> I've installed imp and ingo with composer.
>>> composer req horde/imp
>>> composer req horde/ingo
>>>> check if your manage-sieve announces the "vacation" capability
>>> I have successfully created a vacation script with KSieve. I don't 
>>> know, if the server announces it though. How would I check that?
>> The default installation of ingo uses imap as the backend, not sieve.
>> Not all configuration options are available directly in the web 
>> administration GUI; many Horde applications require *.local.php files 
>> in order to override various defaults.
>> Here's an example of a working ingo/sieve configuration (hostname 
>> altered) taken from ingo/config/backends.local.php. I'm using Cyrus 
>> IMAPD as the backend; TLS turned off as everything is on clustered VMs.
>> <?php
>> $backends['imap']['disabled'] = true;
>> $backends['sieve']['disabled'] = false;
>> $backends['sieve']['transport'][Ingo::RULE_ALL]['params']['hostspec'] 
>> = 'example-host';
>> $backends['sieve']['transport'][Ingo::RULE_ALL]['params']['logintype'] 
>> = 'DIGEST-MD5';
>> $backends['sieve']['transport'][Ingo::RULE_ALL]['params']['usetls'] = 
>> false;
>> $backends['sieve']['transport'][Ingo::RULE_ALL]['params']['debug'] = 
>> false;
> Note for composer users:
> Please don't place the backends.local.php file in the 
> vendor/horde/ingo/config folder but into the var/config/ingo folder and run
> composer horde:reconfigure
> It will create symlinks. Placing the file manually will make it 
> disappear on future updates.
> Most of these symlinks will eventually disappear and files will be read 
> directly from the configuration directory var/config. At the moment this 
> is needed because FW_6 was originally built to be as compatible as 
> possible with non-composer installs.

Good to know; thanks!

Do virtualhost-based *.conf files work similarly at the moment?

Nels Lindquist
nlindq at maei.ca

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