[i18n] translate.php errors
Miroslav Pendev
Mon, 5 Aug 2002 17:05:43 -0400
I am trying to use translate.php on FreeBSD 4.6 STABLE. The very latest HEAD
for horde, imp, turba, kronolith.
I did upgrade Console_Getopt from http://pear.php.net/get/
When I type ./translate.php extract into horde/po dir here is what errors I
# ./translation.php extract
Horde translation generator
Loading libraries...
Console_Getopt... OK
Searching gettext binaries...
gettext... found: /usr/local/bin/gettext
msgcat... found: /usr/local/bin/msgcat
msgcomm... found: /usr/local/bin/msgcomm
msgfmt... found: /usr/local/bin/msgfmt
msginit... found: /usr/local/bin/msginit
msgmerge... found: /usr/local/bin/msgmerge
xgettext... found: /usr/local/bin/xgettext
gettext version: 0.11.4 OK
Searching Horde applications...
Found applications: horde, imp/po, kronolith/po, passwd/po, po, turba/po
Extracting from horde... done
Extracting from imp/po... find: ../kronolith/po/config: No such file or director
Extracting from kronolith/po... find: ../passwd/po/config: No such file or direc
Extracting from passwd/po... find: ../po/config: No such file or directory
Extracting from po... find: ../turba/po/config: No such file or directory
Please report any bugs to i18n@lists.horde.org
running compendium is returning no error, but compendium.po file is with
zero size (empty)
# ./translation.php compendium -l bg_BG
Horde translation generator
Loading libraries...
Console_Getopt... OK
Searching gettext binaries...
gettext... found: /usr/local/bin/gettext
msgcat... found: /usr/local/bin/msgcat
msgcomm... found: /usr/local/bin/msgcomm
msgfmt... found: /usr/local/bin/msgfmt
msginit... found: /usr/local/bin/msginit
msgmerge... found: /usr/local/bin/msgmerge
xgettext... found: /usr/local/bin/xgettext
gettext version: 0.11.4 OK
Searching Horde applications...
Found applications: horde, imp/po, kronolith/po, passwd/po, po, turba/po
Merging all bg_BG.po files to the compendium... done
Please report any bugs to i18n@lists.horde.org.
It might be due to difference in sed or something else options for
linux and FreeBSD... I can try to dig in, but little later...
Any help is welcome.