[i18n] Fwd: [Bug 1052] Changed - multilingual support in IMP is broken/misdesigned

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Sun, 15 Sep 2002 20:52:13 -0400

FYI ... this is getting to be a bit of a doozy, but it seems like a
relatively good todo list.

----- Forwarded message from bugs@bugs.horde.org -----
    Date: Sun, 15 Sep 2002 06:13:03 -0300
    From: bugs@bugs.horde.org
Reply-To: bugs@horde.org
 Subject: [Bug 1052] Changed - multilingual support in IMP is 
      To: chuck@horde.org, jshin@jtan.com, bugs@horde.org


*** shadow/1052	Sun Sep 15 05:41:51 2002
--- shadow/1052.tmp.13883	Sun Sep 15 06:13:03 2002
*** 226,228 ****
--- 226,275 ----
    - and more.....
+ ------- Additional Comments From jshin@jtan.com  09/15/02 06:13 -------
+ A few more things to do:
+   - RFC 2231 support in Content-Disposition header
+     (some broken email clients use RFC 2047 style encoding
+       where RFC 2231 is supposed to be used. Even more
+      broken ones leave bare 8bit chars there. IMP has
+      to be generous..)
+   - some text/html parts don't have mime charset in C-T
+      header. instead, MIME charset is buried inside
+      the body (in meta tag). of course, this is produced
+     by broken mail programs, but ....
+  - Mozilla-mail has per-folder-based default charset
+    for untagged messages. Still some outdated email
+    programs produce un-MIME-compliant messages. 
+    As of now, I implemented the global default charset
+    for rendering of untagged message body and headers.
+    (somehow it works well for header, but for body it doesn't,
+      which has to be fixed)
+  - the global default charset for composition is
+     used regardless of the MIME charset used 
+     in a message being replied to  or forwarded.
+     Like MS OE and Mozilla do, the default charset
+     in this case should follow the charset of
+     a message being replied to or forwarded. 
+ - charset menu for message display. this is
+   for viewing those messages with no mime charset
+   or mislabelled charset. of course, IMP lets
+   users to view them in a separate pop-up window
+   so that this item is not that urgent although
+    it's nice to have. 
+    ( View|Encoding menu of most web browsers 
+    can be used, but 
+    changing the encoding that way screws up
+    UI if UI language is not English.)
+  - When changing UI language, it might be
+    nice for the global default charset
+    for message viewing and that for message
+     composition also change accordingly.
+    This is coupling UI lang. and charset.....

----- End forwarded message -----


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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