[i18n] Fwd: contribs for vacation module

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck@horde.org
Tue Oct 15 16:34:47 2002

----- Forwarded message from fmontilla@sefosa.com -----
    Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2002 17:43:13 +0200
    From: "Francisco J. Montilla" <fmontilla@sefosa.com>
Reply-To: "Francisco J. Montilla" <fmontilla@sefosa.com>
 Subject: Fwd: contribs for vacation module
      To: sork-owner@lists.horde.org


I'm not subscribed to this list, but the querys done on google pointed almost 
always here... sorry if this isn't the place, and feel free to forward to 


----- Mensaje reenviado de "Fco. J. Montilla" <pacopepe@insflug.org> -----
   Fecha: Tue, 15 Oct 2002 13:21:49 +0200
      De: "Fco. J. Montilla" <pacopepe@insflug.org>
Responder-A: "Fco. J. Montilla" <pacopepe@insflug.org>
 Asunto: contribs for vacation module
    Para: sork@lists.horde.org


didn't know who to send the contribs, so I ended up here :)

I'm also confident you don't need any of the explanations, but I include them
anyway for the people coming for google :)

I updated (and took some freedom to deviate from a literal translation, I must
confess, in order to be more helpful for clueless users) the es_ES.po
internationalization file.

You can fetch it from


I also did a couple of pretty straightforward mods to the vacation module and
the es_ES.po file in order to use qmail-vacation instead of sendmail's (on a
qmail system, of course). Nothing fancy, but maybe somebody could find it
useful (or at least lazier ;) They can be fetched from


(appliable with a patch < vacation-qmail-forwards.diff in the lib/Driver

and the .po file in


just copy it to po/es_ES.po, cd po/ && make

cheers, and keep up with this wonderful project!

Francisco J. Montilla - System & Network admin - Seville - Spain
pacopepe>AT>insflug.org         -       irc: pukka      -       DJB fan
DoQmail: qmail en castellano es.qmail.org - OpenSlink: insflug.org/slink

----- Fin del mensaje reenviado -----

Francisco J. Montilla <fmontilla<AT>sefosa.com>__ / _| ___  ___  __ _ 
Servicios Forestales S.L. -  Spain      / __|/ _ \ |_ / _ \/ __|/ _` |
Dpto. Sistemas y Comunicaciones         \__ \  __/  _| (_) \__ \ (_| |
Voz 954279908 Fax 954990003 GSM 686413451___/\___|_|  \___/|___/\__,_|

----- End forwarded message -----


Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
"People ask me all the time what it will be like living without otters."
 - Google, thanks to Harpers