[i18n] Re: [imp] multibyte charset bugs and iconv support hack in imp (3.1)

Jan Schneider jan@horde.org
Sun Oct 27 16:17:12 2002

Zitat von Viljo Viitanen <vviitane+mail.imp@mappi.helsinki.fi>:

> Also, after these modifications one can add UTF8 support for writing
> mails,
> by defining a new language/locale combo in horde/config/lang.php by
> addind
> these two lines (if you have the en_US.UTF-8 locale in your system, that
> is):
> $nls['languages']['en_US.UTF-8'] = 'English (Unicode)';
> $nls['charsets']['en_US.UTF-8'] = 'UTF-8';

What about the other translations? If we want to have true utf-8 support in
Horde and don't want to buffer the whole ui output, interrupted by data that
is in yet another charset, all translations would have to be in utf-8. Is
this something we can demand from the translators? 


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