[i18n] Re: [whups] new to whups
Chuck Hagenbuch
Mon Oct 28 19:12:16 2002
Quoting Eric Rostetter <eric.rostetter@physics.utexas.edu>:
> Interesting idea. Two thoughts come to mind. Of limited value to
> most modules, but very interesting to modules like whups that can perform
> multiple duties. Basically copy the "themes" functionality into the
> locale world.
If it could be done with limited (I know there'll be some, but we can
probably make it easier or harder depending on how its done) inconvenience
to translators, I think this could be pretty cool. I'm cc'ing the i18n list
so that Jan and the other translators can weigh in on
feasibility/implementation details.
> I think this would be way-cool personally. Again, I can't think of any
> other modules that would need this kind of "function" theme support. So
> it might be something just for whups... But I think there could be other
> existing or future modules that can also be multi-function and hence
> use such a feature.
Odin, maybe. And I can see people wanting it for other modules for reasons
we haven't quite imagined yet. :)
Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck@horde.org>
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