[i18n] language selection not doing anything

Aaron Dewell acd@woods.net
Sat Nov 9 04:27:38 2002

Hi all,

I've installed Horde and IMP, and everything works except for
languages other than English.  I searched the FAQ and docs/
directories and came up with no answer to this problem.  What
happens is nothing.  If a user selects another language, it
still comes up in English.  Changing the preferences and
logging out and back in also does nothing.

Is there a prerequisite that I've missed?  Some configuration
option missed?  Most are default, except the required changes
to servers, registry, etc.  In particular, the lang.php has
en_US defined as the default.

One test is with a web browser known to display Chinese, but
when Chinese is selected, nothing happens.  So I'm pretty sure
it's not the browser.

Is there a web server (Apache2) setting that is required?

Thanks for any help and hints!


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