[i18n] Final Call for IMP 3.2.1 (direct_access people: READ THIS)

Thierry Thomas thierry at horde.org
Mon Mar 10 21:52:35 PST 2003

Le Lun 10 mar 03 à 21:24:15 +0100, Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>
 écrivait :
> Quoting Thierry Thomas <thierry at horde.org>:
> > An updated fr_FR.po:
> > <http://pompo.net/horde/imp/fr_FR.po.diff>.
> As far as I can tell from docs/CREDITS, you aren't the primary translator
> for IMP; have you cleared this with them?

No, I have not. I'm forwarding this mail to them.

Th. Thomas.

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