[i18n] Fwd: AW: [hermes]hermes decimal hours

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Wed Mar 19 11:21:08 PST 2003

maybe someone here has an idea? I've done what I can to debug this.

----- Forwarded message from news4dadirtyluk at gmx.de -----
    Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2003 17:08:31 +0100
    From: Udo Schubert <news4dadirtyluk at gmx.de>
Reply-To: Udo Schubert <news4dadirtyluk at gmx.de>
 Subject: AW: [hermes]hermes decimal hours
      To: hermes at lists.horde.org

hi there!

>Look at NLS::decimalToLocale() and NLS::decimalFromLocale() in

until now i was unable to find the problem and after reviewing the
code responsible for converting between db representation and the
locale representation i think i must say everything should be alright!

but it isn't :(

i just wanted to ask if anybody knows how localeconv determines,which locale
is currently used? somehow i think the getLocaleInfo returns the wrong
locale! (the one the system uses,the webserver runs on?)

bit despite all this the printed sql statement contains '3,7' as
how can that happen?

i miss the connection to the stored preferences,because the selected
should define the locale returned by getLocaleInfo...

any ideas?

best regards


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Charles Hagenbuch, <chuck at horde.org>
"... It is not more light we need, but more warmth! We die of cold, not of
darkness. It is not the night that kills, but the frost." - Miguel de Unamuno

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