[Kronolith] 1.1 French [was Re: [i18n] Kronolith 1.1-RC1 released - TESTING NEEDED]

Thierry Thomas thierry at horde.org
Sat Apr 5 22:00:32 PST 2003

Le Ven  4 avr 03 à 21:37:16 +0200, Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>
 écrivait :
> TRANSLATORS: this means there are probably a bunch of new strings. Now would
> be a good time to look at your translations for Kronolith and update them
> for the 1.1 release. Thanks!

Updated fr_FR.po:

- just a diff: <http://pompo.net/horde/kronolith/fr_FR.po.diff>
- plain file:  <http://pompo.net/horde/kronolith/fr_FR.po>.

Th. Thomas.

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