[i18n] Horde 2.2.3 Slovak .po file + others

Ivan Noris noris at bgs.sk
Fri May 2 09:58:03 PDT 2003

Hello all,

Updated Slovak translation of Horde 2.2.3 is available at

On monday, translations of IMP and Turba should be updated too (I need
to synchronize my translations at home).

I also sent mail to the former translator of cvs-versions of Horde apps,
so after his confirmation, I'll take over the translation of
cvs-versions of Horde, IMP and Turba (at least). Some updates are
already available (as of April, 28 - from cvs snapshot) and will be
ready for download & commit soon.

I'll post a letter to the list then.


p.s. the cvs versions of Horde etc. are pretty _cool_ !!! :)

        Ing. Ivan Noris, noris at bgs.sk, http://www.bgs.sk/people/noris
                        System engineer, Business Global Systems, a.s.
   |__|__|__|__|  "and when they've given you their all |__|__|__|__|
  |__|__|__| some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy |__|__|__|
   |__|__| banging your heart against some mad bugger's wall" |__|__|
   http://www.vazka.sk/~vix                         VIX/icq#126667131

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