[i18n] Imp localized folder names problem?

Ivan Noris noris at bgs.sk
Mon Jun 23 01:15:59 PDT 2003

Hello all,
	several users have reported following problem to me.
	When using IMP with Slovak localisation and Imp/Horde performs
"Maintenance operations", the "sent-mail" folders can be renamed to
"sent-mail-monthname" folders.
	Names of months are localised and this causes problems when creating
the files - some won't be created because of invalid characters in the

	Can you advise me, how to solve this? Should be the names of months
unlocalised? (I wouldn't like this...). Or some problem with
locale-setting on server?
	I guess other translators could have the same problem too.

	Config: Imp 3.1, Horde 2.1, Debian Woody, Slovak localisation used.

thanks for any help,
  Ing. Ivan Noris

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