[i18n] Brazilian Portuguese translation

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Sat Aug 2 14:55:47 PDT 2003

Zitat von Domingos Parra Novo <domingos at netmonks.org>:

>     Hiyas,
>     I've been using horde (and its friends imp and turba) for while, as a
> system administrator and as a packager at Conectiva (the first linux
> distro
> here in Brazil).
>     While using these tools, I did update some potfiles of these
> packages. I
> updated the pt_BR translations for imp and turba, and I'm close to finish
> the horde potfile (all these files updated to the latest stable release).
>      I would like to know how should I do to deliver these translations

Talk to the last translator and find an agreement with him. If you get his
OK to update the translation, send it (or a download link) to this list.

> to
> the dev team, and also how can I help update the translations of the
> unstable/CVS version of these (and maybe other) packages.

Just download them by CVS or from snaps.horde.org and proceed like above.


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