[i18n] IMP 3.2 Turkish translation

Genco YILMAZ gyilmaz at genco.gen.tc
Thu Jan 15 08:11:19 PST 2004


I have revised IMP 3.2.2 Turkish translation.After doing "make install" 
for tr_TR.po file 
I get this error.(By the way,before asking this question, I have searched 
this in archives and found the same problem but the solution does not 
work for me)

Compiling locale tr_TR:
<stdin>:343: format specifications in 'msgid' and 'msgstr' for argument 1 
are not the same
msgfmt: found 1 fatal error
  ... FAILED

I think, error says that there is a mismatch in argument numbers.
If this 343 is the line number, 343. line is below

342:#, c-format
343:msgid "Could not delete messages from %s: %s"
344:msgstr "%s: %s klasöründen iletileri silemiyor"

What does this mean ? 
If the error tells me the truth msgid line is wrong:)

any help will be appreciated 


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