[i18n] translation.php

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Mon Feb 2 10:23:50 PST 2004

Zitat von François Helly <fhelly at bebop-design.net>:

> 1 - Pbs in Horde_CLI::runningFromCLI (version 1.31 2004/01/04)
> It seemed the STDIN constant isn't correctly define when the
> translation tool checks it.
> So I fixed it defining the CLI constants. I guess it would be fixed
> in the Horde_CLI instead.

No, you used a PHP cgi version, instead of PHP cli. Run php -v to see the
version that's installed.

> 2- I installed a horde tree on a sun solaris where there are two
> gettext installed, one GNU and one from SUN pckg.
> So I needed to use the translation tool with a full-path to GNU
> gettext binaries.
> I added the --prefix option to it.

I'm not sure what you want to put into the prefix parameter. A path where
you installed the binaries? In this case you should simply prepend that
directory to your $PATH variable.
Or did you compile the gettext package with a program prefix?


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