[i18n] Howto: i18n text in IMP menu.php ?

Andre Schild andre at schild.ws
Fri Oct 1 16:38:19 PDT 2004


what is the correct way to be able to localize the icon/link text in
userdefined netires in menu.php ?

Currently I have:

$_menu[] = array(
  'url' =>        '/smartsieve',
  'text' =>       'Regeln',
  'icon' =>       'filters.gif',
  'icon_path' =>  '/horde/imp/graphics/',
  'target' =>     '_blank',
  'onclick' =>    ''

But I would like to have the text "Regeln" localized to the
user languages, since we have peoples with different native languages
accessing this IMP server...


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