[i18n] Turba: storing Korean characters?

Nate Carlson natecars at real-time.com
Wed Jan 26 15:26:30 PST 2005

One of my users who was having problems with Korean-language e-mails also
mentioned that when she enters Korean data into Turba, it just gets turned
into question marks and such. I tested this out (pasted a Korean string
into one of the fields); Turba says that it changes the entry, but it
still shows like a bunch of question marks. Looking in the DB, it looks 

???, ???? ? ?? ??*

I am running MySQL 3.x still, instead of 4.x - could the lack of UTF8 
support in the DB be breaking this?

Nate Carlson <natecars at real-time.com>   | Phone : (952)943-8700
http://www.real-time.com                | Fax   : (952)943-8500

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