[i18n] Can't modify the Horde default language

Olivier GONSON olivier.gonson at univ-paris3.fr
Wed Mar 23 01:49:33 PST 2005

Hi all,

I can't manage to set the default language in horde to French (or whatever) 
instead of english. I'm running horde 3.0.3 on an apache 1.3.31 with 
gettext (GNU gettext-runtime) 0.14.1 on a Solaris 9 system (Sparc). I need 
the applications to be completely translated in french, that means horde, 
the installed horde apps (Imp/Turba/Ingo/Mnemo) and also the login screen 
(i'm using imp authentication).
I've have a few ideas on what could be the problem but can't solve it : the 
user prefs are not saved correctly (localization), i've read GNU gettext 
could create problems on Solaris, ...
I read the TRANSLATIONS file in horde/docs/ and i created the langtest.php 
file -> this is working fine with several languages.

Could someone help me to find out what the problem could be ?
if you need more infos just tell me.

Olivier GONSON

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