[i18n] Re: Correcting UI in RTL languages

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Mon Apr 18 08:22:49 PDT 2005

Quoting persian-horde at metanetworking.com:

> For first step we changed  ‘compose.inc’  and  add one of two lines of
> following PHP  codes to some of lines (depending to every case), for
> correcting justification of fields  in  RTL directions. Our changes don’t
> have any effect in LTR languages, But it make a friendly and correct GUI
> for RTL users.
> Cods:
> 1-    <?php echo (isset($nls['rtl'][$language]) ? 'right' : 'left') ?>
> 2-    <?php echo (isset($nls['rtl'][$language]) ? 'left' : 'right') ?>


> Now, we want to know is it acceptable that we continue for changing other
> pages that have problems in RTL languages.

First of all, I completely support the effort to make IMP and indeed 
all of Horde more RTL friendly. However, I'd prefer a different 
approach. I'd like to see different themes for RTL languages (or 
modifications of existing themes, like bluewhite-rtl). We should be 
able to achieve most modifications simply be changing text-align and 
float: styles. This will require patches to the IMP display code (and 
other parts of Horde), to use the right classes or to use the right 
markup to be controllable, but it'll avoid inserting lots of if () 
statements into the code.


"But she goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy." - John 
Quincy Adams

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