[i18n] Slovenain (sl_SI) translation

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Tue Jun 7 08:31:43 PDT 2005

Zitat von Robert Ludvik <r at aufbix.org>:

> Jan Schneider wrote:
>> Zitat von Robert Ludvik <r at aufbix.org>:
>>> I translated Horde ver. 3.0.4 and IMP ver. h3-4.0.2. (in one tarball,
>>> named horde-sl_SI.po and imp-sl_SI.po).
>>> If someone could commit these files...
>> Not, if you don't provide them. Also, please talk to the last 
>> translator before.
>> Jan.
> Yes, sorry. I talked to Bostjan Hojkar (last translator, 
> bostjan.hojkar at fov.uni-mb.si) and he agreed with commiting POs, that

The last translator was Matic Dolar <smesni at medium.si>.


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