[i18n] imp/turba/ingo language issues

amy.rich@tufts.edu amy.rich at tufts.edu
Fri Jul 1 06:46:04 PDT 2005

flgomes> 	Have you recompiled the .po files? Just try:
flgomes> 	cd [PATH_TO_HORDE]/po php translation.php make -l de_DE

On the off chance that this might work, I installed the other two PEAR modules
and ran it.  It output the following errors:

Building MO files for module horde...
Building locale de_DE...
couldn't set locale correctly
Merging the PO file for horde to the compendium... couldn't set locale correctly

I got the locale errors for each subset (horde, imp, ingo, turba).  It found
all the correct gettext binaries, though:

Searching gettext binaries...
gettext... found: /usr/local/bin/gettext
msgattrib... found: /usr/local/bin/msgattrib
msgcat... found: /usr/local/bin/msgcat
msgcomm... found: /usr/local/bin/msgcomm
msgfmt... found: /usr/local/bin/msgfmt
msginit... found: /usr/local/bin/msginit
msgmerge... found: /usr/local/bin/msgmerge
xgettext... found: /usr/local/bin/xgettext

I'm not sure what's generating the error or why (is there a tracing flag php
like sh -x?).

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