[i18n] need help in weather translate

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Oct 19 07:32:22 PDT 2005

I am not a native speaker, so I can only tell you how I translate 
these. Maybe some native speakers can clarify.

Zitat von Dmitriy MiksIr <miksir at maker.ru>:

> The weather strings consists strange (for me) constructions.
> For example
> _("AM Light Rain"); and _("PM Light Rain");
> Is mean what rain will be accordingly at forenoon and at afternoon?

That's how I translate it.

> But what is mean
> _("Rain Early"); and _("Rain Late");
> Rain at morning/evening?

I translate these as-is, i.e. with the German translations of "early" 
and "late(r)".

> Then,
> _("Clear"); _("Clearing Late"); _("Clouds Early"); _("Cloudy");
> where is "Clearing Early" and "Clouds Late"? =)

I add strings as I see them untranslated in the interface, there is no 
complete list available unfortunately. At least I didn't find one. The 
missing weather conditions simply haven't happened yet where I live. :-)
Feel free to add what you find to lib/Block/weatherdotcom_strings.php 
and submit a patch.


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