[i18n] Russian translation update

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Nov 2 11:56:35 PST 2005

Zitat von Alexey Zakharov <alex at bks.by>:

>> Zitat von Alexey Zakharov <alex at bks.by>:
>>> I find some time to update russian translations of this projects:
>>> * Horde 3.0.6
>>> * IMP H3 4.0.4
>>> * Turba H3 2.0.4
>>> * Nag H3 2.0.3
>>> * Mnemo H3 2.0.2
>> No new releases based on these version will be made. Please provide
>> translations for the FRAMEWORK_3 branch instead.
>> Jan.
> I think you can use this translations for FRAMEWORK_3 branch. I can.
> Why not?

Because a lot of strings have changed.


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