[i18n] Problems with strings containing substitution parameters

Benoit St-Andre ben at benoitst-andre.net
Tue Feb 14 06:17:05 PST 2006

Le Tue, Feb 14, 2006 at 03:05:02PM +0100, Joaquim Homrighausen a écrit:
> I just switched language to Deutsch (German) and I still see "Joaquim 
> Homrighausen's Calendar", the German translation should be "Joaquim 
> Homrighausens kalender".
> Could the literal "Joaquim Homrighausen's Calendar" be stored somewhere, 
> before Horde/Kronolith used tagged personal calendars?


It is stored in horde_datatree_attributes table.

search for "Joaquim Homrighausen's Calendar" in attribute_value field. You
can modify it there, I'm not sure if you can just delete it or blank it so
that it is recreated automagically on the next login. I think it is
created at the first login of a user.
Benoit St-André
ben at benoitst-andre.net
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