[i18n] pt_BR updates

Fábio Gomes flgomes at fazenda.sp.gov.br
Thu Feb 16 12:20:21 PST 2006

Hi list,

	Attached are updated Brazilian Portuguese translations for:

	* horde-3.1-rc3
	* imp-h3-4.1-rc3
	* ingo-h3-1.1-rc2
	* kronolith-h3-2.1-rc1
	* mnemo-h3-2.1-rc2
	* nag-h3-2.1-rc1
	* turba-h3-2.1-rc2

	An important change was the replacement of the translation of  'Calendar' 
that was being translated to 'Calendário' and now is 'Agenda' (a better 
translation for the module).

	Best regards,
	Fábio Gomes

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