[i18n] Horde and its apps in Linux distro

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Tue Feb 28 05:47:03 PST 2006

Zitat von Leang Chumsoben <soben at khmeros.info>:

> Hello all,
> did anyone know about the intergration of Horde and its applications in any
> Linux distributions?
> For SuSE Linux 10.0, I found only Horde 3.0.5-4. I don't know about   
> the future
> of Horde and its apps in the next release of SuSE which is 10.1.
> Thanks.....oh if this is not the right place to ask please point me to the
> right one.

The correct place would probably be the distributions' mailing list.  
If you nede


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