[i18n] Update fr_FR.po problems

Edjé edosseh at ub.tg
Thu Aug 3 10:26:56 PDT 2006

sorry for my poor English.
I'm using IMP-3.2.3 with horde-2.2.5 as webmail on a Fedora Core 3 with
But i want to modify po/fr_FR.po file of IMP module according to readme file and
faq about it, i follow these steps:
 ./translations.php compendium -l fr_FR
 ./translations.php -d update -l fr_FR
 ./translations.php -d make -l fr_FR
After this i restart apache.
I verify if fr_FR.po have updated but in the browser result is different.
I follows doc/INSTALLATIONS instructions and find that all is ok but that
doesn't success.
All is rigth?
"Heureux ceux qui sont conscients de leur pauvreté spirituelle." - Mat 5:3(Les
Saintes Ecritures - Traduction du monde nouveau).

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