[i18n] gettext... not found

Elier Delgado elier.delgado at gmail.com
Mon Jan 22 12:22:00 PST 2007

Hi guys,

I'm trying use a /po/translation.php to create a new languages files for a
new Horde aplication (its a test aplication for me).

The /po/README it OK, but when I try use translation.php the gettext binares
are not found.

C:\AppServ\php\cli>php D:\WWW\horde\po\translation.php -d
--base=D:\WWW\horde\welcome extract --module=WELCOME
Horde translation generator
Loading libraries...
Console_Getopt... OK
Console_Table... OK
File_Find... OK

Searching gettext binaries...
gettext... not found

I have installed gettext for windoaws nd its working fine,
C:\Program Files\GnuWin32\bin>xgettext -o
D:\WWW\horde\welcome\po\greetings.pot -k_ --language=PHP

But I don't know what doing to translations.php find gettext binaries.

Excuse my ignorance,

Best regards, Elier

Elier Delgado
elier.delgado en gmail.com

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