[i18n] Updated French translations for IMP

Thierry Thomas thierry at pompo.net
Thu Mar 1 15:36:40 PST 2007

Le Jeu  1 mar 07 à 21:07:49 +0100, Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>
 écrivait :
> Did you talk to Thierry?
> Zitat von Vincent Vinet <vincent.vinet at revolutionlinux.com>:
> >Here is an updated french translation for IMP -head.

There are a lot of changes s/effacer/supprimer/, which are not a problem
for me.

This one seems strange; Vincent, are you sure?

 #: mailbox.php:443 mailbox.php:511
 msgid "Pur_ge Deleted"
-msgstr "Pur_ger les effacés"
+msgstr "Pur_ge effectuée"

I don't like this one:

 #: config/prefs.php.dist:612
 msgid "How to attribute quoted lines in a reply"
-msgstr "Comment attribuer les citations dans une réponse"
+msgstr "Comment attribuer le texte cité dans réponse à un message"

This one is not correct:

 #: imp.js.php:56
 msgid "Send message without a Subject?"
-msgstr "Envoyer le message sans objet ?"
+msgstr "Envoyer le message sans objet?"

You should keep a non-breakable space before "?".

Best regards,
Th. Thomas.
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