[i18n] pot files in ubuntu

Lorenzo Dalvit ldalvit at gmail.com
Mon Apr 23 06:41:18 UTC 2007

HI there and thanks

Jan Schneider wrote:
> Zitat von Lorenzo Dalvit <ldalvit at gmail.com>:
>> Hi everybody
>> I am new to the list. I am trying to extract the pot files from an
>> ubuntu isntallationof horde, has anybody done it before?
>> I tried to read the documentation, but
>> 1 I cannot find any horde/po dir (only examples/po)
>> 2 Cannot run translation.php script (I have never run php sripts before)
>> 3 gettext.sh command not found. I have gettext, but don't know which
>> args to put
> The instructions are for the official Horde tarballs. If distributions  
> move files and directories around but don't update the documentation,  
> we can't help.
>> I tried to check the Italian poi file, it looks like it has only 2000
>> entries, is that correct?
> Where did you find it, if you didn't even find the horde/po direcory?  
> Anyway:  
> http://dev.horde.org/~jan/i18n/index.php?branch=FRAMEWORK_3&sort=lang#it_IT
In Ubuntu, I found the po dir (including the pot file) at 

I just downloaded and installed, but did not configure, so there is no 
way for me to test if these localizations are working and int he right 
palce. I was confused by the fact that the po dir is under examples...

The numbers match though, which means I am on the right track. That's 
basically all I needed to know... thanks a lot.

>> Another things: we are running horde together with imp4, if we localise
>> horde, will this affect the whole interface? Or do we need to translate
>> something from imp?
> The latter.
OK, I found the pot file for imp at the corresponding dir.


> Jan.


Lorenzo Dalvit

CoE researcher          ICT developer
Room 315                SANTED Language Centre
Struben Building        Arts Building
Computer Science Dept.  African Languages Dept.

Rhodes University       Tel:      +27 (0)46 622 2465 (7506)
PO Box 94               Cell:     +27 (0)78 187 0143
6140 Grahamstown        Fax:      +27 (0)46 636 1915
Eastern Cape            Email #1: ldalvit at rucus.net
South Africa            Email #2: g01d0010 at campus.ru.ac.za

Jabber:   ldalvit at gmail.com
MSN:      to_heaven37 at hotmail.com
Sip:      7506 at sip.ict.ru.ac.za
Skype:    lorenzodalvit
Website:  http://ldalvit.rucus.net

A 'n bon murador ogni sas el ghe fa - for a good mason, any stone will 
do (Trentine proverb)

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