[i18n] Ingo H3 (1.2-RC2)

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Tue Jan 22 17:57:19 UTC 2008

The Horde Team is pleased to announce the second release candidate of the Ingo
Email Filter Rules Manager version H3 (1.2).

Ingo is an email-filter management application. It is fully internationalized,
integrated with Horde and the IMP Webmail client, and supports both
server-side (Sieve, procmail) and client-side (IMAP) rule creation.

Barring any problems, this code will be released as Ingo H3 (1.2).
Testing is requested and comments are encouraged.
Updated translations would also be great.

The major changes compared to the Ingo version H3 (1.2-RC1) are:
    * Fixed procmail and maildrop recipes.
    * Further bugfixes and improvements.

The full list of changes (from version H3 (1.2-RC1)) can be viewed here:


The Ingo H3 (1.2-RC2) distribution is available from the following locations:


Patches against version H3 (1.2-RC1) are available at:


Or, for quicker access, download from your nearest mirror:


MD5 sums for the packages are as follows:

    e281ee9abd11eee907b0e67f2ff36d3f  ingo-h3-1.2-rc2.tar.gz
    9465c1c01d7cf22ab6695ae533ebbe9f  patch-ingo-h3-1.2-rc1-h3-1.2-rc2.gz

Have fun!

The Horde Team.

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