[i18n] Horde Groupware Webmail Edition 1.0.x in Basque language (eu)

Ibon Igartua ibon.igartua at ehu.es
Thu Jul 17 09:20:36 UTC 2008


  We have recently finished the translation of Horde Groupware Webmail 
Edition 1.0.x in Basque language (eu)

  I know it's an old version, but that was the stable version when we 
deployed our production environment.

  We have translated all the Groupware Webmail Edition + Gollem + MIMP, 
help files included.

  I have zipped all the po and xml files here: 

     Ibon Igartua Libarona
C.I.D.I.R. / I.I.S.I.G. Bizkaia
  Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
     Tel. +34 94 601 5022

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