[i18n] Message not being translated

M. Rodrigo Monteiro falecom at rodrigomonteiro.net
Wed Aug 6 17:20:47 UTC 2008

2008/8/6 Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
> Zitat von "M. Rodrigo Monteiro" <falecom at rodrigomonteiro.net>:
>> What I want that Horde to do is to create the folder with the original
>> name (in English), and display them in portuguese. Is that possible?
> No.
> Jan.


It would be a great thing if Horde did that. Because if the user (like
myself), login with another languague (like pt_BR), the folders get
translated and Horde create the transleted ones, right?


M. Rodrigo Monteiro
falecom at rodrigomonteiro.net
"Free as in Freedom, not free as in free beer"
Linux User # 403730

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