[i18n] Adapting gettext for Solaris

Laurent Blume laurent at opensolaris.org
Thu Nov 13 14:26:01 UTC 2008

Hi list,

I'm encountering a few issues with I18N using Horde/IMP on Solaris, and
while they seem minor, I think I'd better discuss them before reporting
more bugs.

First one to get rid of: Solaris 10's gettext is generally compatible
with GNU's, but its behaviour seems to be slightly different to find the

For example, if there is only the locale/fr_FR subdirectory, PHP linked
against GNU gettext works as is, but with Solaris gettext, it doesn't.
It needs a link with the encoding, fr_FR.UTF-8 -> fr_FR.

Does that sound like a reasonable request, to add such links by default?
I tried to understand how the default charset is selected, default
browser and all, but I'm unsure about it.

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