[i18n] Finnish translations

Leena Heino leena.heino at uta.fi
Sun Apr 3 17:35:24 UTC 2011

On 3.4.2011 17:17, Jan Schneider wrote:
> No, these errors have been thrown by gettext for many years, if not
> forever. I really don't know why you don't get those. On which system to
> you run the script? And is it really horde_translation.php? It's not
> called like that for quite a while now.

Those errors are only reported when doing "horde-translation make",
which executes the msgfmt command.

When updating translations I've just been doing merge and update, but in
future I will also do a make.

  Leena Heino              University of Tampere / Computer Centre
  ( liinu at uta.fi )      ( http://www.uta.fi/laitokset/tkk )

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