[i18n] volunteering for Dutch translations

Oscar Gala y Hondema ogala at jinfo.nl
Thu Sep 22 15:57:43 UTC 2011

Dear Sir/Madam,

First of all: Thank you for making a great piece of software like Horde open
source. My customers have been using it with great pleasure.  I recently
upgraded to Horde Groupware edition 4.01 and I noticed that the Dutch
translations are not fully completed yet.  I would like to volunteer to work
on these translations, as a contribution to the project.

My native language is Dutch and I speak fluent English as well.

Can you tell me how I can apply to volunteer for the translations project?
Thank you.

With kind regards,

Oscar Gala y Hondema
Jinfo - Juggling Information
Email: ogala at jinfo.us
US Mobile: (508) 524 2106
Dutch phone: 058-7110308

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