[i18n] Wicked H4 (1.0.2)

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Sep 6 16:10:39 UTC 2012

The Horde Team is pleased to announce the final release of the Wicked wiki
application version H4 (1.0.2).

Wicked is a wiki application for the Horde Framework. It uses PEAR's Text_Wiki
library for the actual wiki markup parsing and rendering. It supports Creole,
Mediawiki, Tiki Wiki, and its own markup engine.

The major changes compared to the Wicked version H4 (1.0.1) are:
     * Fixed accidental deletion of all attachments when deleting a page.
     * Fixed permission check that didn't allow renaming or merging pages even
       with sufficient permissions.

The full list of changes can be viewed here:


Have fun!

The Horde Team.

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