[i18n] Spanish translation .po files for horde 5

Juan C. Blanco jcblanco at fi.upm.es
Tue Dec 11 09:13:34 UTC 2012

Sorry, I forgot to tell you that yesterday we have a planed electric 
disruptium for maintenance, now the server must be available.

Juan C. Blanco

On 10/12/2012 10:08, Jan Schneider wrote:
> Zitat von "Juan C. Blanco" <jcblanco at fi.upm.es>:
>> Hello, I've just installed last Horde GroupWare Webmail 5.0.2 for
>> testing and I've modified some minor translation issues.
>> You can download the updated .po files from:
>> http://xweb.fi.upm.es/horde5_es_ES.zip
>> Hope this helps, regards
>> Juan C. Blanco
> I get a connection timeout to that server.

| Juan C. Blanco                                                 |
|                                                                |
|  Centro de Calculo              |                              |
|  Facultad de Informatica U.P.M. |  E-mail: jcblanco at fi.upm.es  |
|  Campus de Montegancedo         |                              |
|  Boadilla del Monte             |  Tel.:    (+34) 91 336 7466  |
|  28660 MADRID (Spain)           |  Fax :    (+34) 91 336 6913  |

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