[i18n] New release

Jozef Sudolsky ELBIA s. r. o. jozef.sudolsky at elbia.sk
Sun Dec 30 09:42:46 UTC 2012

I was talking about the next bug-fix release, Horde 5.0.3, Imp 6.0.3.  
I only wanted to know if i should send my currently translation to get  
it into this release or i can wait few days/weeks.

S pozdravom
Bc. Jozef Sudolsky

ELBIA, s. r. o.
Stoličková 4/870
974 01 Banská Bystrica

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Citát Jānis <je at ktf.rtu.lv>:

> Citējot "Jozef Sudolsky ELBIA s. r. o." <jozef.sudolsky at elbia.sk>
> Sat, 29 Dec 2012 20:17:18 +0100:
>> Hi,
>> how much time for translating i have before the new releases of  
>> Horde and Imp are out? Thnks.
> I believe - 3-4 years from now at least. I do not remember how long  
> it took from H3 to H4, but H5 showed up in shorter time than H4 in  
> its time.
> If you aim at the next release (H6-Imp7?), you should look or Horde  
> development tree horde-git and make translation of it (btw - I think  
> there is no problem to include your language in the updates of  
> H5-stable).
> Janis
> Happy New Year!
> -- 
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