[i18n] mailbox and folder

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Tue Jun 4 18:39:58 UTC 2013

Quoting Jānis <je at ktf.rtu.lv>:

> Citēts "Jozef Sudolsky ELBIA s. r. o." <jozef.sudolsky at elbia.sk>
> Sun, 13 Jan 2013 21:34:10 +0100:
>> If mailbox=folder, how should we translate strings like this? :) I  
>> even don't understand the meaning when considering that  
>> mailbox=folder. Thank you.
>> Create Subfolders/Rename Mailbox
>> Create subfolders and rename mailbox
> I think that "mailbox" is kind of an account ("topmost folder"),  
> holding together multiple folders with subfolders

 From imp/lib/Imap/Tree: "in IMP, folders = collection of mailboxes".   
So any view that shows folders in connection with each other (e.g. the  
sidebar view) can use folders, since this identifies that some  
mailboxes may "live" inside others.

Mailbox must be used otherwise since this is how it is used in all the  
RFC documentation.  Folders appears nowhere.  NEVER use folders to  
refer to a single mailbox.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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