[i18n] How can I submit translation?

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Mon Mar 10 11:10:07 UTC 2014

Zitat von 김 덕곤 <dgkim at dgkim.net>:

> 2014. 3. 9. 오후 11:52, Luis Felipe Marzagao 쓴 글:
>> Em 09-03-2014 05:30, 김 덕곤 escreveu:
>>> I have made some changes on Korean translations.
>>> How can I submit translation?
>> Make sure you have the corresponding path structure equivalent to  
>> horde's git tree for the translation files, put it all in a package  
>> (tar.gz, zip ...), post it in a file service (like sendspace,  
>> dropbox ...) and then share the link here in the i18n list. Do no  
>> attach the file to the email because there is a chance it will  
>> exceed the maximum allowed file. Share the link.
> Following link contains my work on Korean translation.
> http://www.dgkim.net/e20140410/horde_mnemo_locale_ko.tar.gz
> Original mnemo.po file was locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/mnemo.po
> So, header comments should be rewritten.

Committed, thanks.
Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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